Hamilton Highland Street Parade and Gathering

Saturday, 26 October 2024,  French Street,  Hamilton

0407 516 532


The Hamilton Highland Street Parade and Gathering 2024 will revive an event once held annually in Hamilton, through the CBD and end at the Hamilton Botanic Gardens. It is expected to attract pipe bands from Western and Central Victoria and Southeast South Australia. Given the novelty of this event, bands from further afield may attend. This street parade and gathering will also be a celebration of the Hamilton and Western Districts Pipe Band's 120 years of continuous service to their community. The Hamilton Highland Gathering Street Parade will leave from in front of the Hamilton PAC, down Gray Street and proceed down Thompson Street to the Hamilton Botanic Gardens. The musical performances will be the main event at the gathering. This event is expected to attract at least six pipe bands making up around 160 pipe band members and supporters. There will be a follow up evening 'Robbie Burns night' dinner. The dinner is an event separate to the Highland Gathering. It is anticipated that many pipers and drummers attending the Gathering will participate in this very Scottish tradition at the Hamilton Golf Club. So come enjoy a dinner of haggis, neaps and tatties, whisky sauce and other Celtic fare.




