- Your Local Toolkit -
Share the love of our home town with this fabulous bank of resources.
Share your local love
How To Inspire
As a local, you play an integral part in ‘Inspired By Locals‘, which is designed to support, re-ignite and positively impact Greater Hamilton’s future.
You are the voice, face, inspiration and guide of this great region. Be a local ambassador and share what YOU love about our patch, giving your family and friends every reason to pay you a visit, when the right is right.
Discover stunning images and videos of this magnificent region below, to couple with your local knowledge, as well as 5 Easy Ways to help support our region and spread the word.
We appreciate your involvement in #inspiredbylocals, and can’t wait to see what you share with us @visitgreaterhamilton.
Ready to be a local ambassador?
We invite you to share your stories and your happy snaps, write a guest blog or to champion our region the best way you know how. Connect with our Visitor Experience Team to chat!

Five Easy Ways
1. Send a postcard! Invite your friends and family to stay by personalising our free postcards with a message and plan a trip when it’s safe to do so. Collect yours from:
Hamilton Cafés, the Regent Florist and the Hamilton Spectator.
Post Offices and agencies in Balmoral, Branxholme, Cavendish, Coleraine, Dunkeld, Glenthompson and Penshurst, or Cafe Catalpa in Tarrington.
2. Post on social media and engage with our Facebook and Instagram accounts @visitgreaterhamilton, using #inspiredbylocals.
3. Share our images and videos or snap and share your own content that shows off your insider secrets!
4. Tell people about inspiredbylocals.com.au… tell your local friend, ring your mum, show your partner at dinner!
5. Share our E-Mag (below) with your family and friends. It is full of eye-catching inspo and captivating stories!
make use of these
Our fresh photography, logo elements and inspiring videos are ready for use on social media, in emails or however you wish! For help accessing or using these resources, contact us!

Image Library

Video Library

join us on social media
#inspiredbylocals #visitgreaterhamilton
We love seeing your posts on socials! An easy way to ensure we always see them and to contribute to our region’s visbility is to tag @VisitGreaterHamilton on Facebook and Instagram and use the hashtags #VisitGreaterHamilton and #InspiredByLocals.