Lava Blister (Tumuli)

Big Nature, Things To Do Byaduk

Just 20 minutes south of Hamilton down Byaduk’s Old Crusher Road, you will find one of only three sites in the world where Tumuli exist. A natural phenomenon, these unusual circular mounds or hummocks of rock were created when the lava flow from Mt Napier spread and formed a thin crust. The accumulation of pressure beneath the crust caused it to buckle and crack, and lava oozed out, forming these unique structures. The Tumuli measure up to 10 metres high and 20 metres in diameter – the size of a small house, and are located in amongst a farming region on private property so it is advised that people visit this site by car.

The Tumuli are clearly visible from the roadside with no need to leave the car, making it an accessible site. Visitors should note that there have been no walking trails established around them.



phone. 1800 807 056

Old Crusher Road off Hamilton Port Fairy Road, Byaduk 



