They’re vibrant and vivacious, inspiring and ingenious, upbeat and unique, they are Greater Hamilton’s masterpieces. With over twenty magnificent murals spanning walls, floors and doors of Greater Hamilton, get your cameras and phones ready because you are going to want to snap a selfie with these works of art. Here are five of our top picks that are a must pic! ?
H-A-M-I-L-T-O-N Mural, Hamilton
From the H to the N, this bright and bold mural created by local legendary artist, Jasmine Mansbridge is so very snap worthy. Utilising her sensational signature architectural forms, geometric shapes, structured patterns and brave colours, what better way is there to be greeted to Hamilton than with this one-of-a-kind art piece.

Image credit: (via Insta)
Bandicoot Mural, Hamilton
Right at home at the Hamilton Institute of Rural Learning, the Bandicoot Mural pays homage to the mischievous marsupials that populate the specifically-designed safe house enclosure at the centre. Along with the mural and marsupials themselves, HIRL is also home to an indigenous food garden, children’s native play garden, red gum carvings, nature trail, veggie garden, picnic areas, and Creative Arts Centre.

HIRL’s Bandicoot Mural
McGuigan Lane, Hamilton
Transformed by talented artists, local children and students, McGuigan Lane is an iconic part of Hamilton’s Laneway Art Trail. Featuring works by Grotti Lotti, Jasmine Mansbridge, Studio Marlo, Jimmi Buscombe, Krid’s Art, Madi Whtye, and Jesse Shannahan, this bright and fun immersive art experience is loved by kids and adults alike. Enjoy the wander and wonder.

An immersive art experience, McGuigan Lane
THE Balmoral Mural, Balmoral
Famed far and wide, THE Balmoral Mural is a spectacular sight. The wall of which it is upon (Balmoral Community Store) bursts with a scene of wild flowers and birdlife of the region. Completed by critically acclaimed artists, Geoffrey Carran and Rowena Martinich, the mural is an absolute must!

THE Balmoral Mural, Image credit: @rowenamartinich (via Insta)
Hamilton Gallery Mural, Hamilton
The newest mural to grace the walls of Hamilton is by Portland’s artist, Gene Stewart. Fittingly adorning the outer wall of Hamilton Gallery, this magnificently massive artwork depicts local elements including the Grampians, flourishing flora and fauna and even a reference to Gene’s childhood memories of the area.

Image credit: (via Insta)
We’d love to see your mural meanders and creative captures! Share with us some of your favourites by tagging us on Insta @visitgreaterhamilton.